Inspiration for Employing a Mental Health Professional

For many people, their own mental health issues are a sensitive topic that cannot be discussed with anyone. If you have decided to use the services of a mental health professional, you must carefully choose the specialist so that the healing process will successfully reach its goal.

Some ways to find a good therapist

– Get recommendations from friends and acquaintances that have encountered a problem similar to yours and were satisfied with the services of the mental health professional they have worked with

– Search on the Internet by specific words (psychotherapist, psychotherapy, depression, anxiety, panic attacks, addictions, self-esteem etc.) and locate specialists in your area as well as medical clinics that have mental health professionals among their staff.

– If you prefer modern and efficient ways of interacting with your mental health professional, you can search the internet for words such as “online psychotherapy, online psychotherapist, online psychological counseling” etc.

– To eliminate the unpleasant experience of making an appointment only to be dissatisfied with the services of the therapist and the lack of affinity between the two of you, it is advisable to talk to at least 2-3 specialists when you make your employing selection and keep one as a backup.

mental health worker jobs in MA

During your initial conversation, it is necessary to ask mental health professionals about their education, license, experience, as well as about the costs of their services.

If you are an introspective character and the problem you face is caused by emotional trauma from childhood, you should consider hiring a psychoanalytic training specialist who can help you go through a long-term analytical approach. On the other hand, if you are a practical person, you may want to follow a dynamic, short-term approach, so you can hire a counselor trained to work with modern therapies, such as cognitive-behavioral, integrative, neuro-linguistic programming, hypnotherapy etc.

Choose the type of therapy that suits you!


Indicators that the chosen therapist is the right one for you

– Although this is the first time you meet, you feel comfortable and the therapist conveys feelings of trust, integrity, professionalism and empathy

– You feel properly listened and understood; your therapist is supportive and confident in the chances of overcoming the problems, and the communication between you two is very good;

– You feel free to express your thoughts and feelings without fear of being labeled, criticized or deceived. The therapist only asks information necessary for the healing approach – never to satisfy their own curiosity!

– Your therapist is calm and has balanced reactions; even if you show dissatisfaction with the therapeutic approach, he/ she reacts appropriately and tries to find solutions to improve things.

– Your therapist will accept you as you are and not question the feelings you are talking about, no matter how they seem. He/ she will know how to listen patiently and not speak more than you.

– You can easily understand your therapist; he/ she uses a clear language which makes your dialogue very effective.

– Your therapist has a decent and adequate presence, sense of humor and looks confident in his/ her own professional qualities.

– If you are a mental health worker and looking for employment in Massachusetts, search ‘mental health worker jobs in MA’. You will most likely find employment opportunities with this search technique.